Graduate Alumni Awards & Job Placements
English Department Graduate Fellowships
Awarded to English Graduate Students 2016 - 2023
Francois Camoin
Emily Dyer (f16/s18)
Rachel Levy (f17/s18)
Jessica Bergamino (f18/s19)
Amanda Laabs (f19/s20)
Liza Flum (f20/s21)
Jace Brittain (f21/s22)
Rachel Zavecz (f22/s23)
Daniel Uncapher (f23/s24)
Corley Miller (f24/s25)
Clarence Snow
Michelle Donahue (f15/s17)
Ceridwen Hall (f16/s18)
Yvette Mylett (f16/s18)
Susannah Nevison (f16/s17)
Maria Alberto (f17/s19)
Michiko Amemiya (f17/s18)
Aaron Beasley (f17/s18)
Susannah Nevison (f17/s18)
Blake Hunt (f18/s20)
Nathan Scoll (f18/s19)
Samantha Thilen (f19/s20)
Motomu Yoshioka (f19/s21)
Zack Medlin (f19/s20)
Tyler Goldman (f19/s20)
Emily Dyer (f20/s21)
J.P. Grasser (f20/s21)
Robert (Bobby) Kennedy (f20/s21)
Paula Mendoza (f21/s22)
Alleliah Nuguid (f21/s22)
Michiko Amemiya (f22)
Andrew Bumstead (f22/s23)
Sean Collins (f22/s23)
Alyssa Quinn (f22/s23)
Lindsey Webb (f23/s24)
Max Schleicher (f23/s24)
Amy Sailer (f23/s24)
Samantha Thílen (f24/s25)
Jessica Tanck (f24/s25)
Burton Fellowship
Aaron Beasley (f16/s17)
Kelly Craig (f17/s18)
Alyssa Quinn (f18/s19)
Andrew Bumstead (f19/s20)
Aristotle Johns (f20/s21)
Audrey Bauman (f21/s22)
Grey LaJoie (f21/s22)
Vitasta Singh (f23/s24)
Erick Verran (f24/s25)
Sherman Neff
Whitney Borup (f16/s17)
Tyler Goldman (f21/s22)
Nicholas Pierce (f24/s25)
N. ‘Ila Tua’One (f16/s17)
Adam Halstrom (f17/s18)
Dale Enggass (f18/s19)
Michiko Amemiya (f20/s21)
Maria Alberto (f22/s23)
Motomu Yoshioka (f23/s24)
Neff/Book Arts
Rachel Zavecz (f19/s20)
Literary Studies
Yuta Ito (f17/s19)
Celia Velazquez (f21/s22)
Yvette Mylett (f21/s22)
Izaak Hecht (f23/s24)
William Webster (f22 - s25)
Digital Matters - (1 Semester Only)
Jace Brittain (fall’18)
Maria Alberto (fall’19)
Clarice Short Teaching Award
Jason Daniels (f20/s21)
Vice Presidential
Noam Dorr (f15/s17)
Cori Winrock (f15/s17)
Jacqueline Balderrama (f16/s18)
Rachel Zavecz (f16/s18)
Kent Hale (f21/s23)
Chengru He (f21/s23)
Corley Miller (f20/s23)
Jessica Tanck (f21/s23)
Meagan Arthur (f22/s24)
Isaac Willis (f22/s24)
Bhion Achimba (f23/s25)
Keiron Walquist (f24 – s26)
Xueyi Zhou (f24 – s26)
Eric Blix – Writer in Residence, New College of Florida
Graduate School & Tanner Humanities Fellowships
Awarded to English Graduate Students 2016 - 2023
Hailey Haffey – 2016-2017, renewal 2017-2018
Andrew Wells – 2016-2017
Adam Giannelli – 2017-2018
Sunggyung Jo – 2018-2019, renewal 2019-2020
Molly Gaudry – 2018-2019, renewal 2019-2020
Cori Winrock – 2018-2019, renewal 2019-2020
Jessica Bergamino – 2019-2020, renewal 2020-2021
Michelle Donahue – 2019-2020
Nina Feng (f21/s22)
Alen Hamza (f21/s22) renewal
Shertok (Samyak) Lama (f21/s22) renewal
Alyssa Quinn (f21/s22)
Max Schleicher (f22/s23)
Lindsey Webb (f22/s23)
Allison Field-Bell (f23 - s25)
Aristotle Johns (f24/s25)
Chengru He (f24/s25)
Audrey Bauman (f24/s25)
University Teaching Assistant
Adam Halstrom – 2016-2017
Sunggyung Jo – 2016-2017
Ryan Siemers – 2017-2018
Jace Brittain (f22/s23)
Samantha ThÍlen (f23/s24)
Aristotle Johns (f23/s24)
Graduate Research Fellowship
Dale Enggass – 2016-2017
Ryan Siemers – 2017-2018
Noam Dorr – 2019-2020
Maria Alberto (f21/s22)
Jamie Smith (f23/s24)
Tanner Humanities Fellowship
Anne Royston – 2016-2017
Sunggyung Jo – 2017-2018
Adam Giannelli – 2018-2019
Cori Winrock – 2019-2020
Sean Collins (f21/s22)
Matthew Glasgow (f23/s24)
Lindsey Webb (f24/s25)
English Graduate Job Placements

Meg Day
Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing
Department of English
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Meg Day is the author of Last Psalm at Sea Level (Barrow Street, 2014), which received the Publishing Triangle’s Audre Lorde Award. Day is the winner of the Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship and an NEA fellowship in poetry. Their recent work can be found in Best American Poetry and the New York Times.
Meg Day is the 2024 Guggenheim Poet-in-Residence. Their residency, All Ears, will focus on deaf poets and ASL engagement.
Jessica Alexander
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Assistant Professor of English
Jessica’s story collection, Dear Enemy, was the winning manuscript in the 2016 Subito Prose Contest, as judged by Selah Saterstrom. Her fiction has been published in journals such as The Offbeat, Psychopomp Magazine, LIT, Fence, Black Warrior Review, PANK, Denver Quarterly, The Collagist, and DIAGRAM, among other places. She has given talks on the influence of theory on creative practice, queer desire in gothic fiction, and the serious work of a queer comic vision—all interests that inform her creative projects and invigorate her teaching practice.
Laura Bylenok
University of Mary Washington
Associate Professor
Laura’s debut full length collection of poetry, Warp, was chosen by Arthur Sze for the 2015 T.S. Eliot Prize and published by Truman State University Press. She is also the author of the hybrid prose book a/0 (DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press, 2014). She is the recipient of an AWP Intro Journals Award and has been a finalist for the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship. Her poetry has appeared in Best New Poets 2015, Ninth Letter, Pleiades, North American Review, West Branch, and Guernica, among other journals.
Sadie Hoaglund
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Assistant Professor
Sadie is a fiction writer who writes short stories and novels. She is the author of: American Grief in Four Stages: Stories (West Virginia University Press, 2019) and many other short fiction and non-fiction publications. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Alice Blue Review, The Black Herald, Mikrokosmos Journal, South Dakota Review, Sakura Review, Grist Journal, Oyez Review, Passages North, Five Points, The Fabulist, South Carolina Review and elsewhere. Her webpage is:
Shena McAuliffe
Union College
Assistant Professor of English
Publications: The Good Echo: a novel (Black Lawrence Press, 2018) is the winner of the 2018 Balcones Fiction Prize. Her stories and essays have appeared in Conjunctions, Alaska Quarterly Review, Gulf Coast, Black Warrior Review, Better: Culture and Lit, and elsewhere. Her essay collection, Glass, Light, and Electricity, won the 2019 Permafrost Prize in Nonfiction and is available from the University of Alaska Press in February 2020.
Claire Wahmanholm
St. Paul Academy and Summit School
English Teacher
Claire is an SPA Upper School English teacher and an award-winning poet. She has been named a recipient of a 2020 McKnight Artist Fellowships for Writers. She is the author of Night Vision, winner of the 2017 New Michigan Press/DIAGRAM chapbook competition and her debut full-length collection, Wilder (Milkweed Editions), won the 2018 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry, the Society of Midland Authors Award for Poetry, and was a finalist for the 2019 Minnesota Book Award. Her second collection, Redmouth, was published with Tinderbox Editions in 2019.
Bethany Bibb, MA
Southern Utah University
Graduate Writing Center Coordinator
Bethany earned her English M.A. (emphasis in Rhetoric and Composition) and instructional design certificate from the University of Utah. Since the beginning of her writing center career in 2007, she has worked as a tutor, graduate writing fellow, assistant administrator, and lab coordinator.
Ishion Hutchinson
Cornell University
Associate Professor
Ishion was born in Port Antonio, Jamaica. He is the author of two poetry collections: Far District and House of Lords and Commons. He is the recipient of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry (2016), a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize, the Whiting Writers Award, the PEN/Joyce Osterweil Award, the Windham-Campbell Prize for Poetry and the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature, among others. He is a contributing editor to the literary journals The Common and Tongue: A Journal of Writing & Art and teaches in the graduate writing program at Cornell University.
Brock Jones
Utah Valley University
Assistant Professor, Literature and English
Brock is the author of Cenotaph (University of Arkansas Press, 2016), a finalist in the 2016 Miller Williams Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in the Iowa Review, Lunch Ticket, Ninth Letter online, Poetry Daily, Raleigh Review, Sugar House Review, War Literature and the Arts, and others.
Binod Paudyal
Northern Arizona University
Lecturer, Ethnic Studies and English
Binod has published two scholarly articles (with a third currently under review). Currently, he is working to transform his dissertation into a book manuscript, tentatively titled Negotiating Identities: Asian American Literature in the 21st Century. The book monograph investigates new ways of thinking about and understanding the identities in the 21st century, marked by the “global war on terror” and the complex global conditions, in order to expand the historical and geographical scope of Asian American literary studies. On Twitter: @paudyalbd
Andrew Wells
Assistant Professor and Shakespeare Scholar, English
Dissertation: “Puritans and Pagans: Protestant Classical Translation in Renaissance England” Also published in STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE HISTORY (Third Series, Volume 14 (2017) - “Converting Ovid: Translation, Religion, and Allegory in Arthur Golding’s Metamorphoses” where he places Arthur Golding’s 1567 translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in its religious context. On Twitter: @andrew___wells
Rhett Cooper
MFA Southern Utah University
Lecturer in English
Thesis and Memoir - NOTHING IS PRIVATE Member of Lambda Literary’s 2018 Emerging Writers Retreat Fellows. In April 2020 at OPEN MIC night Rhett shared excerpts from his unpublished first book, bringing energy and life to the room.
Elizabeth Mathias
Works at United States Air Force
Susannah Nevison
Sweet Briar College
Assistant Professor, Creative Writing
Susannah is the author of Lethal Theater (Ohio State University Press, 2019), and Teratology (Persea Books, 2015). She is the recipient of the 2014 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize, and the recipient of the Charles B. Wheeler Poetry Prize from OSU/The Journal. She is also the author of In the Field Between Us, a collaborative collection with Molly McCully Brown (forthcoming from Persea Books 2020).
Anne Royston
Rochester Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor, English
Among Anne’s recent publication are: “De-Black Boxing Media: The Technological Feminine in Avital Ronell's The Telephone Book," Camera Obscura 97, 2017 "Between Page and Screen, Hands: Print-digital works and their Embodied Readers" (forthcoming), Trace journal, fall 2018 Material Noise: Reading Theory as Artist's Book, MIT Press, fall 2019 – an argument that theoretical works can signify through their materiality—their “noise,” or such nonsemantic elements as typography—as well as their semantic content.
Tessa Fontaine, MFA
Warren Wilson College
Assistant Professor of English
Tessa is the author of The Electric Woman: A Memoir in Death-Defying Acts, A New York Times Editors' Choice; A Southern Living Best Book of 2018; An Amazon Editors' Best Book of 2018; A Refinery29 Best Book of 2018; A New York Post Most Unforgettable Book of 2018. Tessa spent the 2013 season performing with the last American traveling circus sideshow, the WORLD of WONDERS. Her essay about the sideshow won the 2016 AWP Intro Award in Nonfiction. Her writing can be found in The New York Times, Glamour, The Believer, LitHub, FSG's Works in Progress, Creative Nonfiction, The Normal School, The Rumpus, Seneca Review, DIAGRAM, New Orleans Review, [PANK], Brevity, and more. Tessa also works at New York Times Student Journeys and Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Sara Eliza Johnson
University of Alaska, at Fairbanks
Assistant Professor, English
Director of the Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series
Sara Eliza Johnson’s poetry collection Bone Map (Milkweed Editions) won the 2013 National Poetry Series. It was also selected by Poets & Writers as one of ten notable 2014 poetry debuts in their annual Debut Poets feature. Her work has appeared in the Virginia Quarterly Review, Boston Review, Copper Nickel, New England Review, Ninth Letter, Memorious, Pleiades, Gulf Coast and Salt Hill.
Rachel Levy
University of Mary Washington
Assistant Professor of English
Rachel is the author of the novel A Book So Red (winner of the 2014 Caketrain Competition and finalist for the TS Book Prize) and the prose collection Necessary Objects (Tree Light Books 2013). Their short fictions appear in Atticus Review, Black Warrior Review, DIAGRAM, Fence, Tarpaulin Sky, Western Humanities Review, and others. They presented an excerpt from their new in-progress novel at The Bitter Laugh, a featured event at the 2019 Lambda Lit Fest in Los Angeles, CA. In addition, their short story “Severin,” a satire of Venus in Furs scholarship, is published in the Spring 2020 issue of The Account. Rachel is also a guest blogger at SmokeLong Quarterly – an online literary magazine dedicated to flash fiction. Rachel is the recipient of an NEA Fellowship in Prose and a founding editor at Dreginald magazine.
Joe Sacksteder
Interlochen Arts Academy
Director of Creative Writing
Joe Sacksteder is in the process of completing his Ph.D. in English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Utah. His story collection, Make/Shift, won the 2017 Linda Bruckheimer Series in Kentucky Literature from Sarabande Books, and his debut novel, Driftless Quintet, won the 2018 Nicholas Schaffner Award for Music in Literature. His album of audio collages and collaborative videos, Fugitive Traces, was released by Punctum Books in 2016, and his work has appeared in such publications as Salt Hill, Ninth Letter, The Rumpus, Passages North, and Denver Quarterly. He arrived at Interlochen in 2017 as Visiting Instructor of Fiction and Nonfiction before assuming the role of Director of Creative Writing in summer 2019.
Ryan Siemers
Southern Utah University
Instructor/Lecturer, English
It was announced in the Spring 2020 issue of SUU Summit magazine that Ryan Siemers is awarded a grant for his research, presentation and special projects. SUU Festival of Excellence Presentation April 2019: “Good for the Soul?: Confession in J.M. Coetzee’s “Age of Iron” and Marilynne Robinson’s “Gilead”. His research concerns modern novels, secularization, and ritual confession. On Twitter: @RyanRSiemer
Michelle Donahue
Northern Kentucky University
Assistant Professor of English
Michelle primarily writes fiction, but also dabbles in poetry, nonfiction, literary criticism, and book reviews. She is most interested in investigating the vivid capacity of creative work to influence and inform the ways humans understand their relationships with more-than-human nature. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming from South Dakota Review, Sycamore Review, CutBank, Arts & Letters, and others.
Noam Dorr
Western Washington University
Assistant Professor of English
Noam’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Seneca Review, Wag’s Revue, Passages North, and other places. His essay, “Love Drones,” won the Gulf Coast Essay Prize and was a notable essay in The Best American Essays 2016; it was ultimately published by Sarabande Books in October 2019. This summer Noam will remotely teach “Studies in Creative Writing: Nonfiction Workshop – Experiments at the Edge of the Essay” - If we think of the essay as “seeing the writer's mind at work unfolding on the page” this class will allow the opportunity to explore the far reaches of our minds On Twitter: @NoamDorr
Molly Gaudry
Stony Brook University
Assistant Professor of Literature and Creative Writing
Molly is the founder of Lit Pub and the author of the verse novel We Take Me Apart, which was a finalist for the Asian American Literary Award and shortlisted for the PEN/Osterweil. Its sequel, Desire: A Haunting, is also now available.
Adam Giannelli
Colby College
Visiting Assistant Professor of English
Adam is the author of Tremulous Hinge (University of Iowa Press, 2017), winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize. He is also the translator of a selection of prose poems by Marosa di Giorgio, Diadem (BOA Editions, 2012), which was shortlisted for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. This fall Adam will be teaching Creative Nonfiction Writing I – A creative writing workshop that introduces students to the forms and possibilities of creative nonfiction, including essays of time and place, memoirs, profiles, and literary journalism.
’Ilaheva Tua’one
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Assistant Professor of Women’s and Ethnic Studies
‘Ila was awarded the Pasifika-Mellon Dissertation Fellowship from the School for Cultural and Social Transformation at the University of Utah for fall 2019/spring 2020. She was also appointed by the Governor to the Utah Humanities Council for the term 7/01/2019 – 6/30/2022. She serves on the Pacific Island Studies Initiative and is the editor of Ruminate Magazine's online publication, The Waking. ... As a Tongan-American, she is most proud of a class she developed and teaches called “South Sea Tales.” ‘Ila is one of the founding members of “Woke Words”, a Women of Color Reading & Writing Series at the YWCA, designed to be purely creative and exploratory.
Cori Winrock
Western Washington University
Assistant Professor of English
Cori is a poet and multimedia essayist/artist. Her second collection, Little Envelope of Earth Conditions, was awarded Editor's Choice for the Alice James Books Prize in January 2020. Her debut book, This Coalition of Bones (Kore Press), received the Freund Prize for a first collection. She is the winner of the 2016 Boston Review Poetry Prize and her work has appeared in Best New Poets, West Branch, Black Warrior Review, Colorado Review, From the Fishouse, Fairy Tale Review, and elsewhere. She won the Summer Literary Seminars' St. Petersburg Review Award, was chosen as Editor’s Choice for Mid-American Review’s James Wright Poetry Award, and is a recipient of a Barbara Deming Individual Artist Grant.
Jacqueline Balderrama
Fellow in Resident
Arizona State
Jacqueline Balderrama is the 2021-2022 Virgina G. Piper Fellow-in-Residence at Arizona State University currently leading their Thousand Languages Project, a living, ever-developing database featuring translations of the work originally appearing in Hayden’s Ferry Review transformed from its original English into manifold world languages. She is also teaching creative writing as a Clinical Assistant Professor.

Joe Sacksteder
Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing
Sweet Briar College, Virginia
Joe Sacksteder is the author of the story collection Make/Shift (Sarabande Books) and the novel Driftless Quintet (Schaffner Press). His album of audio collages, Fugitive Traces, is available from Punctum Books, and his novel Hack House is forthcoming in 2024 from Astrophil Press. He currently serves as Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Sweet Briar College in Virginia. He received his PhD from the University of Utah in 2022.

Andrew Bumstead
Assistant Professor of English
Buena Vista University
Dissertation: “Adapting Childhood: Disney's Revisions of Golden Age Children's Literature.” Publications include “Narrative Closure in Kipling's The Jungle Play” inTexas Studies in Literature and Language (Vol. 62, No. 4, Winter 2020) and a forthcoming article on Disneyland theme park adaptations of Alice in Wonderland. Andrew has recently presented his work at DisNet, the first scholarly Disney conference. He is also currently writing a novel based on his Nicholl Fellowship semi-finalist screenplay.
Twitter: @AndrewBumstead
Alyssa Quinn
Assistant Professor of Creative Writing
Kenyon College
Alyssa Quinn is the author of the novel Habilis (Dzanc Books) and the chapbook Dante's Cartography (The Cupboard Pamphlet). Her short work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Passages North, Mid-American Review, The Rupture, Third Coast, Copper Nickel, and elsewhere.
Diana Clarke
Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing
University of Canberra
Diana Clarke is a writer and teacher from Aotearoa-New Zealand. Her debut novel, THIN GIRLS (2020) and her second novel, THE HOP (2022) were published by Harper Collins. She was the University of Waikato’s Writer in Residence in 2022 and is currently an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Canberra.
Stephanie Choi
Assistant Professor of English
Oklahoma State University
Stephanie Choi’s poems appear in Blackbird, Copper Nickel, Electric Literature, New Ohio Review, and elsewhere. Her debut collection, The Lengest Neoi, was selected by Brenda Shaughnessy for the 2023 Iowa Poetry Prize. She was the 2023-24 Poet-in-Residence at Sewanee: The University of the South and is currently an Assistant Professor of English at Oklahoma State University.
Lauren Chavez
Grants and Sponsorship Manager
Museum of the Rockies
Lauren is the Grants Manager for Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, MT where she works to create grant proposals that garner support from funders for long-term support. Her more creative pursuits include acting in Montana InSite Theatre productions, independent scholarly research, writing poems for a slow growing poetry manuscript, attending writing workshops, making too watery watercolor paintings, and much more. Her writing has been published in the Bishop-Lowell Studies Journal. If you’d like to follow Lauren’s current writing you can do so at
Sean Collins
Assistant Professor of English
University of Nevada, Reno
Dr. Sean Collins (Literary and Cultural Studies) is a Teaching Assistant Professor of English and Core Humanities at the University of Nevada, Reno. His research interests span modernist studies, environmental humanities, and postcolonial studies—and his book project, "Nature and Nation: Preservation, Modernism, and Race," is under review with an academic press. Sean's work appears or is forthcoming in Modernism/modernity, JML: Journal of Modern Literature, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, and The Nautilus: A Maritime Journal of Literature, History, and Culture. He held the Tanner Humanities Graduate Research Fellowship and the Clarence Snow Fellowship during his doctoral training at the University of Utah.
Samyak Shertok
Assistant Professor of Creative Writing
Hendrix College, Arkansas
Samyak Shertok’s debut collection, No Rhododendron, was selected by Kimiko Hahn for the 2024 AWP Donald Hall Prize for Poetry and is forthcoming from the University of Pittsburgh Press (Pitt Poetry Series) in 2025. His poems appear in The Cincinnati Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Shenandoah, Best New Poets, and elsewhere. A finalist for the National Poetry Series, the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize, and the Jake Adam York Prize, he has received fellowships from Aspen Words, the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. His work has been awarded the Robert and Adele Schiff Award for Poetry, the Gulf Coast Prize in Poetry, and the Auburn Witness Poetry Prize. Originally from Nepal, he was the inaugural Hughes Fellow in Poetry at Southern Methodist University and is currently an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Hendrix College.